CY1051 : Chemistry II

Description:To introduce students the basic principles of various spectroscopic methods and their applications. Spectroscopy is an indispensible tool in chemical analysis and identification of unknowns. So much so that it has wide practical applications in Chemistry, Physics, Materials science, Biology and Medicine. This course is designed for non-chemistry majors for introducing them to various spectroscopic techniques. At the end of the course, the students will be able to apply basic principles of spect

CourseContent:Common Fundamentals of Spectroscopy: Electromagnetic spectrum, quantization of energy levels and regions of the spectrum Resolution, line width and intensity. Various Spectroscopic Methods: Basic principles and selected applications of: 1. Atomic spectroscopy Flame and plasma ionization, sources of atomic spectra, atomic absorption and fluorescence emission, identification of atomic spectral lines, qualitative and quantitative analysis 2. Microwave spectroscopy Rotational energy levels of diatomic molecules, energy levels of spherical and symmetric tops, moment of inertia, calculations of bond lengths and bond angles of simple triatomic molecules 3. Vibrational spectroscopy – IR and Raman spectroscopy Harmonic oscillator, anharmonicity (Morse oscillator), normal modes of vibration, functional group identification, Raman effect, Stokes and anti-Stokes phenomena, selection rules for IR and Raman spectra, structure determination 4. UV-Visible and Fluorescence spectroscopy Electronic transitions, Franck-Condon Principle, spin and angular momenta, Term symbols, Beer-Lambert law, Jablonski diagram, excited state lifetime 5. Electron spectroscopy of solids and surfaces Photoemission, X-ray and UV photoemission spectroscopy, interpretation of photoelectron spectrum, Koopman’s Theorem, chemical shift 6. NMR spectroscopy Nuclear spin, gyromagnetic ratio, Larmor Frequency, chemical-shifts, anisotropic effects, spin-spin coupling, coupling constants, structure elucidation using 1H-NMR 7. ESR spectroscopy Electron spin, g-factor, hyperfine structure, applications in free radical 8. Mossbauer spectroscopy • Nuclear transitions, resonant absorption, recoilless emission, isomer shift and quadrupole splitting.

Text Books:

  1. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy, C. N. Banwell, E. M. McCash and H. K. Choudhury (5th Edition, 2013, Tata McGraw Hill)
  2. Spectroscopy, D. L. Pavia, G. M. Lampman, G. S. Kriz, J.R. Vyvyan (1st Indian Edition, 2007, Cengage Learning)
  3. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, D. A. Skoog, J. L. Leary (4th Edition, 1992, Saunders College Publishing)
  4. Physical Chemistry, P. W. Atkins, J. De Paula (10th Edition, 2015, Oxford University Press)