Introduction to Magnetic Resonance – Principles of Spatial encoding in Magnetic Resonance – application of magnetic field gradients – Larmor frequency as a function of position – frequency encoding – the generation of profiles in NMR and ESR experiments run in the presence of gradients

Combination of frequency encoding with phase encoding for 2D imaging; ‗field of view‘ in phase and frequency directions; the basic Fourier imaging experiment (‗spin warp imaging‘) – gradient echoes; spin echo imaging; chemical shift selective imaging

Reciprocal space (k space) description of imaging experiments – parallel, radial and single pass raster techniques

Slice selection for 2D imaging – shaped pulses and slice profiles; slice thickness as a function of selective pulse bandwidth and slice gradient; gradient trimming for magnetization refocusing; multiple slice selection

3D Fourier imaging with two phase encode gradients; Echo Planar

Imaging Metabolite imaging; Diffusion weighted imaging; flow imaging

Materials and in vivo applications

Multiple Quantum (mq) imaging – point scan in k space with phase encoding alone; combination of mq phase encode with sq frequency encode for line scans in k space; applications to polymers, solution state and lyotropics

Spectral-Spatial imaging – chemical shift imaging (csi); mq-csi

NMR Imaging of solids – stray field imaging (STRAFI); projection reconstruction imaging

CW ESR imaging

Volume selective spectroscopy

Text Books:

  1. Mansfield and P. Morris, ―NMR Imaging in BioMedicine‖, Academic Press, NY
  2. (1982)
  3. T. Callaghan, Principles of NMR Microscopy, Oxford (1991/1994)
  4. Kimmich, NMR Tomography, Diffusometry, Relaxometry, Springer (1997)
  5. Blümich, NMR imaging of materials, Oxford (2000)