The concept of spin density operator and the dynamics-time evolution of the density operator and the interaction picture-Magnus expansion and average Hamiltonians.
Theory of spin lattice relaxation-Bloch-Wangsness and Redfield relaxation theories, correlation times and relaxation times from first principles.
The Nuclear Overhauser Effect.
Introduction to various operator bases used in pulse dynamics calculations in magnetic resonance-product operators, single spin multiplet operators, fictitious spin 1/2 operators and irreducible spherical tensor operators.
Multiple quantum NMR-basic ideas of time domain multiple quantum NMR spectroscopy.
The theory of two dimensional Fourier transformation in NMR-coherence transfer pathways-concepts and observables-a few selective examples from COSY, TOCSY and NOESY spectra.
Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in One and Two Dimensions by R.R.Emst, G.Bodenhausen and A.Wokaun, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1987).
Principles of Magnetic Resonance by C.P.Slichter, Springer-Verlag, 1980.
Principles of Non-linear Optical Spectroscopy, S.Mukamel, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Spin Choreography-Basis Steps in High Resolution NMR by R.Freeman, Spektrum, Oxford, 1997.