Crystal Chemistry:
Introduction, detailed description of structures of complex oxides and related compounds, Phillips ionicity and crystal chemistry; Structural interrelations .
Origin of defects; Types of defects – equilibrium, nonequilibrium, point, line, planar, nonstoichiometry, Wadsley defect; Experimental methods of investigating defects in solids; Dislocations, grain boundaries etc. Defects and physical properties.
Bonding and electron transport:
Atoms to molecules to crystals; Orbitals – bond – bands: Electronic structure of solids, band theory, non metals, metals, metal- nonmetal transitions; Transport properties, techniques, electrical conductivity, thermopower and Hall effect measurements; Chemical approach to bonding in solids; Case studies – Oxides.
Magnetic properties:
Dia, para, ferro, antiferro and ferromagnetism; Magnetism of free electrons; Measurements; Magnetically ordered solids, soft and hard magnetic materials; Case studies – Oxides.
Dielectric and optical properties: Principle and theory;
Standard examples like BaTiO3; Applications.
Phase Transitions:
Classification; Landau’s Theory; Nucleationgrowth,
Martensitic transformations; Examples; Metal-insulator transitions.
Solid state synthesis:
Conventional and novel methods; Specific examples;
Rational synthesis of solids.
Characterization by diffraction
Modern developments:
Superconductivity of oxide materials, C60; Intercalation chemistry etc.