pH and buffers used in biochemical experiements, pKa values and titration curves.
Determination of biomolecules by absorption photometry, fluorimetry, biochemical applications of mass spectrometry.
Manometry and respiration measurement, oxygen polarography, BOD estimation, resting cells prepastion.
Principles of microscopy – light, darkfield, phase contrast, fluorescence and eletron microscope, fixing and preparation of samples.
Breaking of cells by chemical and physical methods, ultrasonication, pressure cell disintegrators, detection of cell-free and cell-bound proteins.
Principles of centrifugation – calculation of r.c.f. values, ultracentrifuges, density gradients.
Enzyme assays.
Biomolecules separation by chromatography, paper, thin layer and column chromatrography, ion exchangers, molecular sieves, affinity columns, Gas chromatography and HPLC.
Electrophoresis – theory and practice, mobility, buffers, agarose and polyacrylamide matrices, gel apparatuses, native and SDS -PAGE gels, Isoelectric focussing, Zymograms.